In this game you will need arrows to move the sheep and the keys 1, 2, 3 to change between the three sheep. In the second level fatter sheep must use to shoot down a tower of straw bales because the only way you can move on. You have to be careful not to fall into the abyss because you have to start playing from the beginning. In the first level you must pour a piece of wood over a chasm to make a bridge because only you can pass. You have to help the three sheep to cross obstacles like to return home to farm. Vyuívajte ich vlastnosti pre bezpený návrat. Tunejia oveka má väiu silu, chudie zase vedia lepie skáka. Druhé pokraovanie hry Home Sheep Home, kde sa aj tentokrát pokúsite doviez stratené oveky domov. Chaque mouton possde ses propres forces et faiblesses : le maigre saute plus haut, le gros a plus de force pour dplacer des objets et le petit. Ovládanie: myou, pohyb - ipkami, prepínanie oviec - íslice. In this game you will be with the sheep Shaun and his friends, Sherley and Timmy. Les aliens ont enlev 3 moutons un peu spciaux (Shirley, Shaun et Timmy) et vous allez devoir aider ces 3 derniers s'chapper du vaisseau extra-terrestre. Must pass all the obstacles that stand in your way and reach him indicator has an arrow pointing to the right.

Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mystery SolForge Jet Car Stunts Medieval. Give of your best to reach the top of the best players, because only you show everyone what you are capable. Home Sheep Home 2 Reassembly Secrets of Grindea Penumbra: Black Plague Quake. Home Sheep Home is a thrilling game appeared on our site in which you require skill and agility because you will be timed to collect as many points need to be very fast, you achieve your goal quickly.